Beginning in Spring 2021, the Marc Hill Rising Star Award recognizes a graduate of our BankWork$ or CareerWork$ Medical program each quarter who has shown significant personal growth and transformation since the start of class. Each award recipient receives a certificate and cash award to enhance the beginning of their new career. The award is part of CareerWork$ ongoing work to open doors to meaningful careers. It honors the life, work, and legacy of the late Marc Hill, an instructor of both the BankWork$ and CareerWork$ Ready programs with CareerWork$ partner YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish, who passed away in 2020. The lessons Marc shared with his students embody our values as an organization: respect, collaboration, equity, and inclusion. To date, we currently have seven winners from across the county.

Reflecting on her journey, CareerWork$ National Director Latoya Edmond praised Jamelah’s unwavering commitment to her goals and said “It’s unfortunate situations that, when they happen, show us how strong we can be. You know that nothing can stop you if you continue to show up every day like you did with this program”.

“Something inside Kiana shifted after the initial weeks. She fully embraced the program’s teachings, showing up early for class, dressed professionally, and always prepared. Her voice grew louder, and her confidence soared. She not only participated actively but also excelled in class, becoming the next-level version of herself. Kiana’s transformation served as an inspiration to all of us,” said Jynelle, Kiana’s former instructor.

“As a woman and a person of color, it means a great deal to me,” said Lulama. “It gives me hope. Moreover, it compels me to give back to the community, to anyone I come across. I have a desire to contribute, whether through time, financial assistance, referrals, or resources. It motivates me to be a responsible citizen.”

“I feel incredibly proud to have been recognized by this outstanding program,” said Eric. “I was unsure of the direction I wanted to take my career before I started my course, but as the course progressed, I was given access to the diligence and courage of the BankWork$ team, which truly helped me make my decision to pursue a career in the financial sector.”

“Delaney was one of the best students I have taught. She was punctual, had perfect attendance, excelled on all of her exams, and asked thoughtful questions throughout. She made no excuses even though attending the Bankwork$ training for eight weeks was very challenging for her. Delaney was always positive and determined to place at a bank—and Dollar Bank is lucky to have her!” said Tanya Bashor, Delaney’s former instructor at Energy Innovation Center Pittsburgh.

“Deepa was able to make the BankWork$ program a priority by successfully making it to every class and completing all of her assignments. She challenged herself out of her comfort zone by volunteering to read and participate in class activities. She generously offered encouragement to her fellow classmates, and brought her laughter and insight to each class. It came as no surprise that Deepa received multiple offers after graduation,” said Tracy Hinman, BankWork$ Instructor with YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish.

“We are thrilled to honor Alexis as she launches her new career and to celebrate her growth, grit, and focus. Alexis represents what CareerWork$ is all about,” said CareerWork$ President Sherry Cromett. “We know that Marc would be proud that his legacy has brought so many people together to celebrate Alexis’s success, and this his work continues to have impact on people as they move forward in their careers.”

“We are thrilled to celebrate Dynasty as the first-ever Marc Hill Rising Star Award winner and to recognize her incredible achievements and growth as she embarks on her new career and continues her journey. She represents what CareerWork$ is all about. Dynasty, we’ve got your back and we are so proud of you,” said CareerWork$ President Sherry Cromett. “We know that Marc would be really proud that his legacy has brought people together to celebrate dynasty, and this his work had impact on people like Dynasty as they move forward in their career.”